What observations can you make about Organic Marketing?

Puppy Predictor 2015 Kentucky Derby Organic Marketing

Organic Marketing

As a marketing/advertising enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for my next possible blog post. This weeks’ idea came to me quite by accident. I’m an avid thoroughbred horse racing fan and last week as I was trolling the internet for Kentucky Derby news I stumbled across Jimmy Fallon’s 2015 puppy predictor. Who doesn’t love watching 16 adorable puppies wearing racing numbers, madly scrambling for the kibble? Within minutes of sharing the video on my Facebook and Twitter account I noticed more than ten additional shares of the same video by friends that share a love of horses racing. That’s when I started thinking about organic marketing.

Not USDA Approved

There are two things you need to know about organic marketing right off the bat. First, we’re not talking about the USDA approved organics. Second, organic marketing is actually a marketing strategy rather than a singular component of marketing.


I was very tempted to start typing “the six main elements of organic marketing” as my next line, but that just felt contrived…and let’s be honest, boring. Instead this post will be more like a series of observations I’ve made about organic marketing in the last couple weeks. Continue reading

SEO: Superman of Digital Marketing’s Universe

SEO digital marketing search engine optimization

Poster Child of Digital Marketing

It’s almost impossible to have a conversation about digital marketing without mentioning SEO, the current poster-child of digital marketing. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is used to increase the visibility of websites and spike traffic by improving site content in order to rank higher in search engine user queries.

Search Engine Optimization

Put into the simplest terms possible, search engine optimization serves the purpose of communicating with search engines so that they can match website content with relevant queries. Understanding SEO and what it does requires understanding SEO’s five main components: content, keywords, linking, social media and strategy. Continue reading